Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sharing Web Resources: Rally4Babies

I chose to take my search towards resources that can be easily shared with families with very young children. Through my search, I found myself diving into the ZERO TO THREE website. Something that really attracted me was the high readability of the resources available. Throughout the website, there are many different options for information gathering. Some outlets are geared more towards professionals in the field, where others are designed specifically for families.

When exploring the link devoted to Public Policy, I found myself submerged in the initiative “RALLY4BABIES.” This initiative is designed to increase awareness, funding, and equitable improvements for infants and toddlers. After reading a brief description, I followed a link that took me to a YouTube presentation called Rally4Babies: Learning Happens From The Start. The presentation included guests such as U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan and former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.

Throughout the 40 minute presentation, various professionals in the field stated facts that provide the viewer with a clear understanding of:

1)   How important quality early education can be for infants and toddlers. The youngest infants, though not always considered, experience incredible learning opportunities within their first few days.
2)   The foundation that sets a child up for future academic, social, emotional, and physical growth relies upon their earliest experiences and environments.
3)   Funding quality programs helps to improve the outcome for infants and toddlers exponentially.
4)   By funding programs that focus on supporting infants and toddlers, we also help to support economic gains.

Case and point, providing ample funding to improve quality of early care and education, we are supporting the future of our economy. The funding that we place in the hands of these programs should not be provided with short term goals in mind- whether in regards to the care we provide the children or for the economic outcomes, goals should be made long term. We need to do more than just improve the look of early care and education, but change the entire system so that all children have access to quality education that provides them with social, emotional, physical and cognitive support, all while supporting their families.


  1. This website you found sounds great. I chose a research based website, then found myself getting irritated, thinking. "I am interested in this, but my students' parents would NEVER be able to follow the research." Oh well, thankfully you have provided a link to a site that parents could follow.

  2. Alyssa I have gained so muck from reading your post it seem to me that your put a lot of effort in it and was real passionate writing about it. One of the things I have gain from reading your post this week How important quality early education can be for infants and toddlers. The youngest infants, though not always considered, involvement unbelievable learning chances within their first few days. I think this so true and vital we as educators have to make sure we stay updated so we can meet the need of the child and their families we work with. Very informative, I like to thank you for giving me some information this week so I can share with my parent’s look forwarding reading your post next week.
    Temika Mccann

  3. Alyssa -
    This was a very informative post. It made me go and watch the video where I heard some of the same information. This is such a great resource for early childhood providers. I also agree that we don't just need to change the look of early childhood, but that we need to really take a look into the entire "mechanics" to ensure that change is being made to help all.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Alyssa, this is a great resource for us and our parents. I have watched this video and some other ones. Very interesting and very informative. Thanks

  5. I think that it is great that your resources can be easily shared with families and very young children. And high readability is good and the fact that there are many different options for information gathering. The link devoted to Public Policy and initiative “RALLY4BABIES,” is a great resource to increase awareness, funding, and equitable improvements for infants and toddlers. I feel that a clear understanding of the importance of quality in early education for infants and toddlers is unmeasurable. And I agree that a foundation that prepares children for future academic, social, emotional, and physical growth and economic profitability is dependent upon their earliest experiences, funding and environments. And that funding quality programs helps to improve the outcome for infants and toddlers greatly.

  6. Alyssa,
    This website was very enlightening and I have bookmarked this sight because I'm sure it will be very helpful for my future courses as well as information I can provide to parents as well. I definitely agree with you that ample funding is necessary because it will be very beneficial to our economy in the future. We need to teach our children today because they are definitely our future leaders in the world.
