Awareness of the many organizations
available to utilize as resources
I can continue to
grow as an advocate for many causes, thanks to the many
new outlets of
information that I have become aware of, such as: The National
Center for Children in Poverty, UNICEF, and the Children's Defense Fund.
Restored faith of the efforts
of improving quality of life of children across the globe
I feel as though I have been sheltered from many of the
beautiful efforts set forth in foreign countries,
as I have still just begun to learn of efforts in my own country. I have now
been exposed to stories of success, research based data, and many other
concrete pieces of evidence that have shone a light on progress of Early
Childhood Education throughout many parts of the world.
My previous assumptions of
the general qualities necessary for obtaining a status of “excellence” in early
care and education hold true to several standards set forth by certain
researchers and policy makers
I have spent the past several years believing in the
power of a well rounded basis of education incorporating
both physical experiences with knowledge of child development and EC pedagogy.
This particular criterion of holding a sound higher education foundation is one
that is believes the play a major role in quality of care and education,
especially when building relationships and foundations of language.
Something that I have always thought
of as a distant possibility is the idea of traveling abroad and dedicating my
work to global early childhood development. Over the course of the past eight
weeks, I have begun to realize how many opportunities there are to become
involved in global work. Now, although the possibility is not more near in my
future, I realize that I have options to begin my journey. Several
organizations design short term trips to gain a
hands-on-experience working to support growth in early care and development
systems in impoverished countries. I am setting a goal for myself to be
accomplished within the next 10 years to spend at least two weeks working with
a developing EC program, whether education based or family & community