Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sharing Web Resources

The Global Fund For Children

As the world continues to develop, communities across the globe continue to seek support when planning for a wide array of supports for their youngest members. The Global Fund For Children works to connect donors to impactful grassroots organizations that target high needs populations, regardless of the living implications. Rather than reading applications of grantees, GFC sends experts to areas that are in need of financial support, and gathers first hand information and experiences to determine who and where grant money will be allocated. 

As grants seem to be the universal method of receiving funding for supporting a large-scale project, I find it to be very inspirational that GFC takes the time to physically understand the issues that grantees are hoping to change. By sending an expert to the very neighborhoods that are seeking help, it ensures a logical, experientially based decision when choosing grantees.

Being an international company, GFC provides outsiders a clear access to success stories in all regions that they support. On the web page, a view can select a region (i.e. Middle East and North Africa) and read of the various opportunities for growth that the funding provided by the organization as created. Through browsing many of stories, it is clear that the organization focuses merely on community development. It seems as though as long as the grantee provides a compelling argument for why funded is necessary, along with a clear outline for their plan of action, anything can be possible.


  1. Alyssa, Isn't it always interesting to hear what has already been accomplished? I'm glad they focus on the community as a whole, because as we have already learned, the community plays a big part in the development of the child. Great summary of this site.

  2. Alyssa,
    The website you chose was the one I researched last week and I was able to find the organization that I sent correspondence to for this course. I received a reply from them stating the person in charge was very busy so they provided me the contact name of the person I can communicate with. As soon as this person gets back to me, I will be able to get information on how they started their girl school for excellence and receives funding from GCF. I think you chose a great organization because there is a lot of information to be obtained.


  3. Hi Alyssa -

    What a very interesting organization. I love the part of this organization that gets the information first hand to ensure that grant money is needed, where it is needed, how it is needed before it ever sends funds to a program. I believe I would like to research more on this organization because if they can ensure the money is needed before distributing, then other organizations should be able to do the same. The fact that this organization ensures that the entire community will be helped makes it even better.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Best wishes -
