...a core value...
"Appreciate childhood as a unique and valuable stage
of the human life cycle."
I couldn't have said it better myself. In order to respect children, and to meet their develomental needs, we must first appreciate that what is going on inside of a child's body and brain is an incredible piece of life. Before we can make a difference, we must value what is already there.
...another core value...
"Recognize that children and adults achieve their full
potential in the context of relationships that are based
on trust and respect."
We are but a product of our own environments. The experiences that we gain over our lifetime shape our paths. The relationships that we build along the way, beginning in our earliest years, provide us with the environments in which we then safely, or unsafely explore. With a strong level of trust and respect, incredible discoveries can be made.
...a principle of Professional Development and Preparation...
"We shall continually be aware of issues challenging the field of early childhood special education
and advocate for changes in laws, regulations, and policies leading to improved outcomes and
services for young children with disabilities and their families."
With updated information about changes occuring directly within the field, we then have the power to advocate for the changes that support the positive evolution of our practice. We must first know the root and affect of the issue in order to properly understand the action that is or is not being taken.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you for the insight that you have given during this class on your blog. It has been such a privilege to be able to share with you and read what you have written. I wish you success in future classes and hopefully we will be able to collaborate more.